Chinaplas 2024
Chinaplas 2024 Fair will be held for the 36th time in Shanghai, People's Republic of China, between 23-26 April 2024.
Accompanying the growth of China's plastic and rubber industries for more than 30 years, CHINAPLAS has become an outstanding meeting and business platform for these industries, while also greatly contributing to the development of prosperity. Currently, CHINAPLAS is not only the largest plastic and rubber trade fair in Asia, but also is recognized by the industry as the 2nd most influential exhibition in the world.
Click for our travel program.
Click here for the tour registration form.
Click for the fair's website.
For detailed information;
Ali Osman Erden - Fair, Marketing and Sales
Tel: 444 20 85 | +90 216 629 29 14
Fax: +90 216 629 22 35
Email: aliosman.erden@pagder.org